
Nostalgia in Memory with Khalda Alkhmri

Nostalgia in Memory – a creative painting session thinking about memories of home

Rethinking the Grand Tour, gallery 4

Join artist Khalda Alkhmri to hear about her choices of artworks from the gallery’s collection for the Rethinking the Grand Tour display in gallery 4, inspired by her experience of moving away from her homeland and loved ones in Syria.  

Following her short talk, Khalda will lead you in creating a painting in acrylic, which expresses something from inside your own home or derives from something you still carry in your memory. 

This is a booked session. Please book your place on Eventbrite. Please note that there are limited places. If you can no longer attend, can you cancel your booking to free up a space for someone else.  

View of Gallery 4

This is part of a wider project exploring Displacement Aesthetics initiated by the University of Manchester and the University of Melbourne, with Manchester Art Gallery, The Whitworth Art Gallery, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

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