
Summer of Creativity 2 July – 10 September 2024

Unleash Your Family’s Creativity This Summer!

Manchester Art Gallery free family activity programme is jam-packed with exciting workshops, hands-on activities, and immersive experiences designed to spark your family’s imagination and love for art.

Explore the vibrant world of creativity together with our talented artists through painting, sculpture and digital media here’s something for every age and interest.

Keep your little ones entertained this summer with our free Creative Families sessions.

Open Doors is a series of creative sessions especially for autistic children and their families.

Come and explore exciting materials selected to stimulate your baby’s senses, meet new parents and relax in our  family gallery The Lion’s Den.

Wild Wander is a fierce and fun themed walk around Manchester Art Gallery and is now available to download via the free Bloomberg Connects

More free activities this summer…

45 minutes – 2 art works, your ideas and opinions

Get to know Manchester Art Gallery with guide

Draw and chat with others

At Manchester Art Gallery there is something for everyone! See the full list of event here.