Safe Space Statement

Manchester Art Gallery is a place for everyone.

Recognise preconceptions

Inequality exists. It is a privilege not to have to think about the colour of your skin or your sex, gender identity, sexuality, religious beliefs, age or disability.
Manchester Art Gallery is a place where we discuss, debate and disagree, with kindness. We champion togetherness. Everyone is welcome.


We ask all visitors, staff, freelancers and volunteers to agree to:

Respect different lived experiences, perspectives and ways of understanding the world. Let’s listen, learn and grow together. Be mindful of this public space and the people you encounter.

Recognise and challenge your own preconceptions and bias. Staff and volunteers are open for conversation, however, please don’t ask personal questions. Others may not have the same physical or emotional boundaries.

Abuse will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave the building if you are abusive, either verbally or physically towards another person.

We don’t know what other people are going through in their lives; we encourage care, consideration and kindness.

Written by Manchester Art Gallery staff, volunteers and freelancers.