Charlotte, Lady Talbot

Sir Joshua Reynolds (after), 1723 - 1792

Charlotte, Lady Talbot

Sir Joshua Reynolds (after) 1723 - 1792


After the oil painting 'Lady Talbot' exhibited at the Royal Academy's annual exhibition in 1782 and now in the Tate collection. Lady Charlotte Talbot stands in the centre of the painting dressed in a simple robe inspired by Grecian dress with a shawl draped over her arms and a high head dress. She holds a jug in her left hand and is shown pouring oil onto burning coals as she makes a sacrificial tribute to the Roman goddess Minerva, associated with wisdom and the arts. She stands against a classical column. Above her and draped to the right of the print is a heavy curtain. The left background opens up into a landscape showing a classical statue (Minerva?) with helmet and left arm raised. Engraving the painting in mezzotint ensured that the image circulated far beyond aristocratic circles.

Object Name

Charlotte, Lady Talbot

Date Created


accession number


Place of creation



on paper




Dr David Lloyd Roberts bequest, 1920

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